No Longer Alone

Kamaria was seven months pregnant and very much alone.  Not only was the pregnancy unexpected, but Kamaria was experiencing complications that made her “high risk” and unable to work full-time. Bouncing from place to place, Kamaria was anxious, depressed, and very worried about the future. She had no stable place to live, and she was … Continued

Education Classes

Who taught you how to be a mom or dad? How to fix a flat or save for the future? We all have different answers, and some may say, “I never was taught those things.” At Care Net we understand that not everyone has a role model mom or dad. But it’s never too late … Continued

“I’ve never spoken about this with anyone.”

“Thank you for letting me talk about this. I’ve never spoken about my abortion with anyone,” Sheila* shared through her tears. She was a mature, professional woman in her 30’s, who’d come to our clinic to be tested for a sexually transmitted infection. Sheila indicated on her health history that she’d had one abortion. Our … Continued


Lydia* came to our clinic for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. She’d lived abroad for a number of years and had just returned to the States because of boyfriend troubles. Lydia was currently living with her sister. Shortly after Lydia settled into her new home, she confided in her sister that she feared she was … Continued

It’s time to Spring Forward!

For the past several months, our Board and staff have been praying for God’s direction as we battle an increasingly difficult climate. Our society continues to promote abortion as a solution, instead of a tragic act that ends the life of a child and robs women and men of the blessings God has in store … Continued

Let’s talk about Empowerment

Masie*  recently visited our clinic for STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing.  She brought a friend for moral support.  Sharing with a stranger that she feared having an infection because her boyfriend had been unfaithful was hard for Masie to face alone. As a teenager, a free clinic was just what Masie needed. When she made … Continued

A Time to Reflect

It’s hard to plan in these uncertain times. What is safe, or even possible, seems to change from day to day. But even in our uncertainty, most of us have a roof over our heads, a warm bed, food in our refrigerator, and supportive family and friends. “Janae” had none of these. She had been living with her … Continued

No Regrets

Aimee is celebrating life, thanks to you! Aimee* and Ryan’s* relationship teetered between on-again/off-again. And when the pregnancy test came back positive, they were mostly “off.” “I knew having a baby and not being married would be a huge disappointment to my parents,” Aimee told us, “I was really torn between parenting and abortion.” That’s … Continued

In the midst of the crisis: We remain focused

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we are making changes to keep our staff and patients safe while remaining focused on our mission. We are following all local, state and federal guidelines and our medical advisory team is continually monitoring the situation and making recommended changes. Our bricks and mortar clinic is still open … Continued

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Super Y-O-U!

Superheroes. They arrive on the scene armed with dazzling super powers, incredible bravery, a tireless desire to fight evil, and a keen sense of right and wrong. Here at Care Net, we’re so thankful to be blessed by our own Superheroes. Seemingly ordinary folks whose generous giving is the “super power” that fuels our success. … Continued