God Provides

Unless you’ve been stranded on an island with no outside contact, you likely know abortion is a hot topic right now.  In the digital world, this is a “Key word”  and advertisers – primarily political- are fighting to be first in all the search engines. We have an entirely different reason for wanting this keyword … Continued

No Longer Alone

Kamaria was seven months pregnant and very much alone.  Not only was the pregnancy unexpected, but Kamaria was experiencing complications that made her “high risk” and unable to work full-time. Bouncing from place to place, Kamaria was anxious, depressed, and very worried about the future. She had no stable place to live, and she was … Continued

The Elizabeth House

What happens at The Elizabeth House?    As a supporter of Care Net, you may have heard about our maternity home, The Elizabeth House, and know we provide a safe place for pregnant and parenting moms and their babies to live.  But housing is only part of the story!    Since opening in 2003, over 330 women … Continued


Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson Daisy* was raised in an abusive home.  When she was barely eighteen, her desire to be loved and cared for left Daisy facing an unintended pregnancy with no support.  Her father felt this justified kicking her out of the house.    But that didn’t feel like justice to … Continued

Life is Different Now

Life is different now.  A medical crisis can turn your world upside down.   One minute your life is filled with plans and dreams. The next, they’re wiped away without warning.  That’s what happened to Jodie* when her boyfriend, Tim, the father of their infant daughter, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Aggressive surgery and treatments … Continued


Maternity home services could be DOUBLED very soon!   We have wonderful news!  God willing, we hope to double the number of women we can serve through The Elizabeth House by opening a second home in the Village of Marshall, which is just outside Sun Prairie. We currently have a conditional contract on a property that … Continued

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Led by God into Service Kelly Corrales felt called by God’s spirit to move from Los Angeles to Madison.  At the time, Kelly had no clue as to why God was leading her to Madison, but she trusted Him and took the plunge. Kelly’s mom moved with her, and not long after they … Continued

This week at Care Net…

How was your week? Let me share an insider’s look into the happenings of a recent week here at Care Net.  It started off on a high!  Sunday, every mom living in our maternity home attended church. One of those women is a practicing Muslim. But she was moved to tears while sitting in a … Continued

Volunteer Spotlight

How Sally uses her talents to serve the Kingdom Sally Spaeni has been serving as a Patient Advocate in our clinic since last summer. “I always felt nudges to get involved at Care Net. It started when I went through a support group to heal from the pain of my own abortion. I knew that … Continued

Pressure Relieved

Pressure Relieved Thanks to your help, support and hope! Violet was pretty sure she was pregnant. She could feel the pressure building—not knowing for sure was incredibly stressful—and finding a clinic to confirm her pregnancy wasn’t proving to be easy. Violet didn’t have a regular clinic and the only one she knew of didn’t have … Continued