Kamaria was seven months pregnant and very much alone. Not only was the pregnancy unexpected, but Kamaria was experiencing complications that made her “high risk” and unable to work full-time.

Bouncing from place to place, Kamaria was anxious, depressed, and very worried about the future. She had no stable place to live, and she was now seven months pregnant.
While Kamaria was looking for work and getting ready to become a mom, a social worker suggested she contact Care Net’s First Care Clinic for help. When she called, she was surprised to hear a familiar, trusted voice. The staff person who took her call, Katie, our care coordinator, was someone she had known from childhood. Katie’s role was to help connect women to resources, and Kamaria needed resources!
Kamaria signed up for parenting classes with Katie. Now, there was something that Kamaria could control. The parenting classes were very helpful in helping her feel prepared to welcome her son. Plus, she earned rewards such as a car seat, crib, and other needed baby items.
When Kamaria’s son J.J. was born, Katie visited them in the hospital. Katy came to see her and the hospital to help her find housing resources.
J.J. turned five and is thriving! Kamaria is balancing work and mothering and now works with a nonprofit whose mission is to make the Madison community a better place for families of color to live. “Care Net staff was so kind, and the programs they offer are so important, and I want everyone to know these resources exist. They helped me through a difficult time.”