No Longer Alone

Kamaria was seven months pregnant and very much alone.  Not only was the pregnancy unexpected, but Kamaria was experiencing complications that made her “high risk” and unable to work full-time. Bouncing from place to place, Kamaria was anxious, depressed, and very worried about the future. She had no stable place to live, and she was … Continued

Life is Different Now

Life is different now.  A medical crisis can turn your world upside down.   One minute your life is filled with plans and dreams. The next, they’re wiped away without warning.  That’s what happened to Jodie* when her boyfriend, Tim, the father of their infant daughter, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Aggressive surgery and treatments … Continued

Pressure Relieved

Pressure Relieved Thanks to your help, support and hope! Violet was pretty sure she was pregnant. She could feel the pressure building—not knowing for sure was incredibly stressful—and finding a clinic to confirm her pregnancy wasn’t proving to be easy. Violet didn’t have a regular clinic and the only one she knew of didn’t have … Continued

Better than a “Dr Phil”

Better than a “Dr. Phil” One week shy of her 40th birthday, Katessa was not expecting to learn she was pregnant. “I had just gone through a lot of reorganization in my life. Clearing out some toxic relationships, finding a new workplace, and focusing on getting myself healthier, eating and exercising, running marathons.” Katessa needed … Continued

Blessed to be a Blessing

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 Andrew needed a car. Money was tight, so Andrew’s boss and brother chipped in to help him purchase one from a neighbor, who’d deeply discounted the car so Andrew could afford it. It was an incredible, life-changing blessing for … Continued

Seven Birthdays Later!

Seven Birthdays Later! Some days just stay with you. For Shelby, the date is February 9, 2015. How clearly she remembers walking out the door of Care Net’s First Care Clinic with an ultrasound picture and a reason to live. “My lifestyle had become so unmanageable that every time I spoke with my mother on … Continued


Lydia* came to our clinic for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. She’d lived abroad for a number of years and had just returned to the States because of boyfriend troubles. Lydia was currently living with her sister. Shortly after Lydia settled into her new home, she confided in her sister that she feared she was … Continued

Celebrating Madeline – Single mom and superwoman

As Mother’s Day approaches, it’s a good time to take a minute to honor and celebrate the amazing women who are making daily sacrifices for their little ones. Women like Madeline. Madeline came to see us at First Care Clinic nearly five years ago. Madeline was pregnant and confused about what she should do. Her … Continued

Carrie CAN thanks to you

Carrie had no job and a tiny infant to care for.  She was fleeing an abusive relationship and she needed help right away. Her social worker referred her to Care Net’s maternity home, The Elizabeth House (TEH).   As soon as she walked into TEH, Carrie went from feeling alone to having a sense of family and … Continued

I was at a loss

“I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to think, what to do or what to feel.”  That’s how Nina* felt when she arrived at our clinic. A young teenager, Nina was hoping to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible.  But her mom, Penelope*, found out and brought her to our clinic.   Penelope … Continued