
Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson Daisy* was raised in an abusive home.  When she was barely eighteen, her desire to be loved and cared for left Daisy facing an unintended pregnancy with no support.  Her father felt this justified kicking her out of the house.    But that didn’t feel like justice to … Continued

This week at Care Net…

How was your week? Let me share an insider’s look into the happenings of a recent week here at Care Net.  It started off on a high!  Sunday, every mom living in our maternity home attended church. One of those women is a practicing Muslim. But she was moved to tears while sitting in a … Continued

God wants our Best Effort

God wants our Best Effort “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15 Care Net of Dane County has never shied away from hard things—case in point: our decision many years ago to become an accredited medical clinic. At … Continued

See What We’ve Accomplished Together in 2023

Thanks to our family of supporters and God’s grace, we’ve accomplished some incredible goals and reached a record number of women and families! Here are just a few of the incredible things we’ve accomplished: We’re reaching more women than ever before. That means we can offer them the truth and resources to help them navigate … Continued

Evil turned to good…

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”  Genesis 50:20 Levi wanted Carmen to have an abortion. Not next month, not next week, but today. He was so determined to make sure Carmen had the abortion done as quickly as … Continued

Together we made an Impact!

The year 2022 was a historic one for those who believe in the sanctity of human life. So much has happened, and yet so much has stayed the same. Women are still struggling with unexpected pregnancies. They are still concerned about the future, worried they can’t move forward with a baby, and afraid they won’t … Continued

Blessed to be a Blessing

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 Andrew needed a car. Money was tight, so Andrew’s boss and brother chipped in to help him purchase one from a neighbor, who’d deeply discounted the car so Andrew could afford it. It was an incredible, life-changing blessing for … Continued

Is a Post Roe v Wade World Coming?

The Supreme Court is discussing the constitutional right to abortion, and people on both sides of the issue are wondering how or if abortion access will change in the coming months. I’ve seen some powerful word slinging, along with a dire list of things we can expect: women dying in alleys, an increase in crime … Continued

Care Fest – Loving our neighbors!

Care Net is partnering with Extended Hands Pantry, LightHouse Church & School, Asbury Methodist, and Familia Dental for an essential supply giveaway event! Families in need, single moms, and dads can come by LightHouse Church on Schroeder Rd on Saturday, March 5 from 10:00 am -12:00 pm for free diapers and baby essentials, household goods … Continued

Is God Calling You?

You may have seen the “We’re hiring” ads on our Facebook page, eblasts or our website. And it’s true – we are hiring. But we aren’t just looking for people to work here – we’re looking for people whom God is calling to serve women and families facing unintended pregnancies. And that’s a big difference. … Continued