Meet Care Net Dane’s Board of Directors Chair, Mary Kay Brooks

Like every nonprofit, Care Net relies on committed volunteers who have embraced our mission and made it their own. One of those faithful volunteers is our Board Chair, Mary Kay Brooks.  

Mary Kay was a Christ follower looking for an opportunity to serve the Kingdom. After attending our annual banquet, where she was “blown away” by a room of Christians praying out loud, professing their faith, and supporting life, Mary Kay decided it was time to act.   

Mary Kay started as a volunteer in our maternity home, The Elizabeth House (TEH), where she served for several years before joining the board. “My experience at The Elizabeth House changed my life,” she said. 

Mary Kay volunteered weekly.  Over time, the moms came to trust her and began to share their stories. Mary Kay learned that some women were sleeping in their own bed for the first time. Others shared they’d had their identities stolen and credit histories tarnished by relatives who ran up debt in their names.  Many had parents who were incarcerated.  They had lived with violence around them their whole lives and some had never had anyone they could trust.  

Hearing their stories up close and personal put a face on the statistics and the articles she’s seen in the media. One mom moved into TEH, scared and trusting no one, trying to figure out the “scheme” because it felt too good to be true.” Over time, Mary Kay watched her gain confidence, grow in all areas of her life, and, best of all, find real faith. “In my experience it is the conversion that takes place at The Elizabeth House that truly changes lives,” stressed Mary Kay. 

Today, Mary Kay serves as the board chair, a position she has held for almost four years. She shares how much of a blessing it has been to serve in her role. “I’ve witnessed many miracles,” said Mary Kay. “We are on the forefront between good and evil. God has called us all to a critical mission, to work to protect the most innocent.”  

She enjoys working with other smart, successful, Christ-followers on the board, gaining more in-depth knowledge of Care Net’s programs and projects, and the staff that make everything run so well. “The staff are the best and inspire me with their passion for the mission,” shared Mary Kay. “That mission reflects so much faith—the faith of the staff, the board, and our supporters.” 

God invited Mary Kay to bless us with her gifts of knowledge, wisdom, and leadership. We are so grateful she said “yes” and for her heart and her many years of dedication to the Care Net ministry.