Finding God in Unexpected Places
Joanna* arrived at our First Care Clinic carrying a heavy burden. She was pregnant and in the middle of a river of problems: a marriage in decay, a toddler that needed care, and serious financial worries. She contemplated her options alone, sharing the news of her pregnancy with no one. To complicate matters further, Joanna understood very little English, as her first language is Spanish. She found herself inside a church praying to the Lord, asking Him to guide her and show her what to do next.
Shortly thereafter, an online search led her to Care Net’s First Care Clinic.
“I arrived at the clinic so burdened, so weighed down, and thinking, how can I continue to carry this burden alone?” remembered Joanna.
But as she walked through the door to the clinic, she felt an immediate sense of peace. Joanna was greeted by our bilingual patient advocate and a bilingual sonographer. She was able to share her deep struggles and was surprised when the advocate asked if she would like to pray. “I was so surprised. Of all the places I could go to, how did I find a place where someone would pray with me? I felt peace and the voice of God. I felt calm. I knew God used this place and the people who spoke with me to answer my prayers.”

Our advocate continued to follow up with Joanna and offer both practical and spiritual assistance. Joanna now had a newfound faith and reassurance that God would be with her regardless of the difficult circumstances she faced. She decided to continue her pregnancy.
Joanna’s son, Mathew*, was born prematurely at just 26 weeks. At this writing, he remains in the neonatal intensive care unit but is growing and doing well. Because Joanna and her husband are spending as much time as they can in the hospital, they have had to cut their work hours. Fortunately, Care Net has a benevolence fund for special cases just like these, and Joanna was able to receive financial assistance that helped to pay her rent.
God has done many things in Joanna’s life. She has received a grant and is attending school to become a teacher, and her beautiful son Mathew continues to grow and thrive. “Mathew is beautiful, strong, and courageous. I see God’s hand on him every day. Every day I value waking up and say, ‘Thank you, God for giving me life and giving life to my son.’”
*Name changed