¿Que pasa? First Care and a Miracle

Gabriela* thought she was pregnant. And unlike many women we see, she was happy about it. But she started spotting and was concerned about a miscarriage. She searched online and found our clinic. Now she could find out for sure about her pregnancy and talk with someone about her fears of losing her baby. Gabriela … Continued

This Came in Our Mail

We opened our mail and found this: A birth announcement with a sticky note thanking us for our care and our prayers. Lily’s mom wanted to share her gratitude. We were thrilled to celebrate Lily’s birth with her! Here’s what this new mom told us. “I had only been in Wisconsin for two months when … Continued

New Beginnings Ahead

With September just around the corner, many of us are thinking about the new school year ahead. The start of the school year, with all the possibilities ahead, can be a time of new beginnings, much like January 1st. For some, it may mean a child or grandchild starting kindergarten or high school or college. … Continued

So Much Going Wrong

“I don’t know how I can carry this pregnancy. I have so much stuff in my life that’s going wrong,” Jayla* told our nurse. Jayla has a beautiful little toddler. She doesn’t know how she can be a good mom to another child with everything else happening in her life. The relationship she’s been in … Continued

Entering This Tiny Window

How long do you think it takes from the time a woman confirms that she is pregnant to deciding to have an abortion? A. 0 days B. 3 days C. 1 week D. 2 weeks If you guessed A, zero days, then you are correct. Do you find this shocking? I did when I first … Continued

We Can’t Help You

“I called (a women’s health clinic) and was told that if I was going to carry my baby to term, there wasn’t really anything they could do to help me,” Haley* told our nurse. They refused to provide an ultrasound if she did not plan to have an abortion. This clinic’s website says they provide, … Continued

When Adoption is Morally Wrong

“I need an abortion.” When a woman tells us she needs an abortion, she often sees her options as abortion or parenting. Since her life circumstances would make parenting difficult, she feels abortion is her only option. A common question among those of us who affirm all life as being made in the image of … Continued

Just Have Another Abortion

“If I’m pregnant, I’ll just have another abortion. It’s no big deal,” Kaitlyn* told the nurse. Kaitlyn has already had two abortions. She spoke about the possibility of another one as if she were speaking about getting her hair cut. Or maybe having a tooth pulled. And why wouldn’t she? Kaitlyn has believed the lie … Continued

You Gave Natalia Courage She Needed

She Was Terrified to Tell Her Boyfriend. The year was 2011. Natalia* was afraid she was pregnant. She wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t want an abortion – but she also didn’t want to raise a child right now. It was overwhelming. Natalia was terrified to tell her boyfriend, Jeremy*. How would he react? … Continued

From My Heart – Life and Liberty

July 4th is one of my favorite holidays. Flags will be prominently hung around our home and we’ll gather with loved ones to make the most of the day—likely watching a parade, cooking out and sitting together under the stars to enjoy the magnificence of fireworks lighting up the sky. As you join with family … Continued