Four Lives Saved!

It’s not every day that we have an opportunity to save a life. We hear stories of “regular people” being in the right place at the right time to administer CPR or call 911. But most of the time my life, and probably yours, does not seem to be about life and death situations. But … Continued

When STI Testing Reveals a Shock

Why Provide Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections? Because It Made a Difference for Lindsey, Nathan—and Someone Else —  Lindsey* was worried about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) so she Googled to find a place where she could get tested. Care Net’s First Care Clinic came up at the top of the list – and is free. … Continued

Now I Get It

Volunteering at Care Net Hits Home for Katie Julie, our COO, received this text from Katie who volunteers in our clinic teaching infant CPR and first aid for our childbirth education classes, and works for UW Health in their wellness department. “Every time I come in, I’m excited to see what I’m going to get,” … Continued

You Saved a Life Last Week

You saved a life last week. How often do you hear those words directed to you? Yet, because of your support, a vulnerable life was protected. A baby will be born this fall because you made a difference. A little face will light up in a smile, a toddler will take his or her first … Continued

Sex and Marriage in the Same Sentence

“Some days I just leave the school hoping that someone took what I said to heart. Other days I am totally encouraged by their comments.” Kylie, Care Net volunteer nurse Kylie has been busy giving presentations about sexually transmitted infections in middle and high schools for Care Net’s First Care Clinic. Recently she heard something … Continued

Panic vs. Calm

There are many reasons why the women who walk through the doors of Care Net feel abortion is their only option. For Natalie,* it was a chronic medical condition. She was overwhelmed by her health situation and felt it would be impossible to go through with her pregnancy. Our volunteer nurse, Laura*, listened and talked … Continued

“Friendly and Knowledgeable”

Friendly and knowledgeable staff, very friendly and welcoming, welcoming and helpful. Comments like these about our staff and volunteers are the most common answers to this survey question, “What did you like best about your experience at First Care Clinic?” Another familiar theme is summed up in this patient’s words: “I felt respected and that … Continued

Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas. It means so much to so many. For three new graduates of The Elizabeth House, it means moving into their very own places with their new babies – just in time for Christmas! Each mom is now equipped with the tools she needs to be the strong, independent woman God has called … Continued

A Graduate’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant, I never questioned whether or not I was going to have her. I always knew I wanted her, but I also knew things in my life had to change. I was living place to place and didn’t have a stable home of my own. I didn’t know what … Continued

Not These Two

Every day in Dane County, two women end their pregnancies, feeling they have no option but abortion. But on a recent day, God broke in and said, “Not these two.” Makayla and Nicole (names changed) came into our clinic on the same day. Both felt that abortion would be the responsible decision. The circumstances in … Continued