We’re Not Promoting Abortion

This morning, in their 5-4 decision in NIFLA v. Becerra, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld free speech rights for pregnancy centers. They struck down the 2015 California state law that forced pregnancy centers to promote abortion. Justice Thomas, writing for the majority, stated, “the licensed notice likely violates the first amendment.” And … Continued

So Many Ways to Save and Change Lives

Give. Pray. Volunteer. Those are three ways that you can, and might already, be involved to save lives and transform hearts. In this culture where businesses “give back” as well, there are an ever-increasing number of ways that you can add to your giving. If you keep reading, I’ll tell you about five of them. … Continued

Helping New Fathers Take the First Steps to Fatherhood

Why Being Dad Meets on Their Turf Maurice* had just discovered he was going to be a dad. He was eager to learn what being a father was all about and made an appointment to come back to our clinic for his first Being Dad lesson. Before he left I said, “If you can’t make … Continued

A Little Boy is Here Because of You

Thank you for giving life to Caden. “He’s alive today because of you,” Alyssa* told us. Alyssa recently came to our clinic with her five-year old son, Caden*. We’d first “met” Caden six years earlier when Alyssa came to our clinic for an ultrasound. At the time abortion had seemed like a solution to an … Continued

I Can Crawl!

Celebrating Milestones Two babies who live at The Elizabeth House started crawling recently. Those were days of great joy! Their moms, and the other moms and staff and volunteers were thrilled. Everyone celebrated these special moments. Moms captured those smiling faces and moving little bodies on video on their phones. As moms, we await our … Continued

My Daughter is Here Today Because of You

“My daughter is here today because of you.” Kendra* and her four-year-old daughter, Aubrey*, were at Spring to Life over Mother’s Day weekend. They came to the Care Net table to say hello. And Kendra wanted us to see Aubrey. Kendra had come to our clinic when she was pregnant with Aubrey and we had … Continued

Never Want to Go Through That Again

“I never want to go through that again.” Our nurses sometimes hear this statement from women who have made an abortion decision in the past. Recently, a number of women who have come to our clinic for pregnancy testing have said on their intake forms, “I regret my previous abortion.” Melanie* accepted our invitation to … Continued

“Good Job!”

Kimoni* and Ada* had recently moved to Madison when they suspected Ada was pregnant. They were married and excited to start their family. But being new to the area, they had no connections and didn’t yet have jobs. They were part of a church but didn’t yet know anyone very well. They found our clinic … Continued

“Condoms Can’t Protect Everything”

Did you know that we’re in public schools in Madison and surrounding communities? Medical professionals from Care Net give LifeWise presentations in middle and high school health classes. The teachers who have us come into their classrooms are very happy with what we bring to their students. One middle school teacher wrote about Care Net’s LifeWise … Continued

The Best Tool

Molly* has struggled with substance abuse all her adult life. She’s been in and out of rehab and done better and worse. The end of 2017 was part of the worse. She relapsed. Molly went to get help and started rehab. During this time she met a guy. After she’d been out of rehab and … Continued