Gabriela* thought she was pregnant. And unlike many women we see, she was happy about it.
But she started spotting and was concerned about a miscarriage. She searched online and found our clinic. Now she could find out for sure about her pregnancy and talk with someone about her fears of losing her baby.

Gabriela had been married only a few months. Prior to that, doctors had told her she could not get pregnant – so this pregnancy was a welcome surprise, a miracle.
When Gabriela came to see us, the pregnancy test and ultrasound confirmed that she was pregnant and that her baby was growing. Gabriela is a Christian and was glad to pray with us. “They prayed with me and talked with me about how God is. God is good,” she said.
“They did everything. Got me signed up for insurance, gave me prenatal vitamins and a blankie, a green onesie and little hat. My son loves that blankie. I had no idea all that stuff was available.”
Over the next couple months Gabriela continued to have periodic bleeding. She called or texted our clinic each time. “They would talk to me or call me back. They prayed for me, uplifted me and encouraged me. This place is amazing.”
Gabriela’s healthy little boy, Lucas*, was born late last year. Lucas is an adorable, smart little boy who is starting to take his first steps. While Lucas was playing, when he came up to his mother, she asked him, “¿Que pasa?” (What’s up?) He is growing up learning two languages.

Gabriela related that recently she saw our ad on TV. She felt that God told her, “Give honor where honor is due.” She determined that she needed to come to visit and thank us for all the help she received. “It is a beautiful thing to look out for God’s children. You really blessed me.”
Gabriela’s story is different from those of many women we serve, but the care and support she received are the same.
“You do care,” she said. “First Care Clinic. We (your patients) are first to you.” Thank you for providing “First Care” to Gabriela and every woman who enters our clinic.
* Names changed to protect privacy.