My Munchkinland

Chloe*, our former patient and a new mom, has a special message for everyone who makes Care Net’s clinic possible. At Care Net’s recent banquet, she described herself as “like Dorothy” and she found her “Munchkinland” in First Care Clinic. She told her story in the “Best Decision” video and then shared the following words … Continued

Will You Be a Part of Telling the Story?

Where can you laugh with friends you rarely see, get tears in your eyes listening to a young mom tell her story, hear the latest about what’s happening to save and changes lives and experience how you are part of the greater body of Christ in the Madison area? At Care Net’s Annual Fundraising Banquet, … Continued

The Science of Life

Baby in womb.

Many of us know that a preborn baby is a new human being, entirely unique from his mother. And we value this preborn baby, and his mother and father, because each of them is created in the image of God. Yet do we really understand the science behind life? And do we grasp enough of … Continued

Celebrating 32 Years

Celebrating 32 Years of Saving and Changing Lives This week we celebrate Care Net Pregnancy Center of Dane County’s 32nd birthday. On March 15, 1985 we first opened our doors as the Pregnancy Information Center in a tiny office on Normandy Lane on the west side of Madison. That day, the dream of a small … Continued

You Saved a Life Last Week

You saved a life last week. How often do you hear those words directed to you? Yet, because of your support, a vulnerable life was protected. A baby will be born this fall because you made a difference. A little face will light up in a smile, a toddler will take his or her first … Continued

Beginning Advent

As we begin the beautiful season of Advent, we have much for which we are thankful. Virtually every day, at least one person walks through our doors bringing in beautiful handmade baby blankets, baby clothes, diapers or other baby items to provide tangible gifts for the moms, dads and babies we serve. Many weeks, a … Continued

It Could Be a Wonderful Life

by Liz Osborn Excerpted from “Our Role in Redemption” speech delivered at the Annual Care Net Fundraising Banquet on November 3, 2016. Every life matters. Every life is worth celebrating. Every person is worth saving. There’s a word for this process. It’s called “redemption.” Redemption is buying back and restoring that which was lost. Redemption … Continued


Welcome to the Friends of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Dane County website. We are glad you are visiting our new site! Perhaps you have been a friend of Care Net for a long time or perhaps you have only recently learned about the life-affirming work that many friends of Care Net make possible. Whether … Continued