Volunteer Spotlight

Meet Care Net Dane’s Board of Directors Chair, Mary Kay Brooks Like every nonprofit, Care Net relies on committed volunteers who have embraced our mission and made it their own. One of those faithful volunteers is our Board Chair, Mary Kay Brooks.   Mary Kay was a Christ follower looking for an opportunity to serve the … Continued

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Led by God into Service Kelly Corrales felt called by God’s spirit to move from Los Angeles to Madison.  At the time, Kelly had no clue as to why God was leading her to Madison, but she trusted Him and took the plunge. Kelly’s mom moved with her, and not long after they … Continued

Volunteer Spotlight

How Sally uses her talents to serve the Kingdom Sally Spaeni has been serving as a Patient Advocate in our clinic since last summer. “I always felt nudges to get involved at Care Net. It started when I went through a support group to heal from the pain of my own abortion. I knew that … Continued

Introducing a Woman Who Helps Others Get Back Up

We are thrilled to introduce you to a passionate new member of our staff, Tia Rice. One of the first things Tia told us is that she changes her hair style very often. And that has proved true. In two short months, we have seen at least three different hair styles already. We welcomed Tia … Continued

Introducing a Man Who Loves Being a Dad

If you’ve been walking with Care Net for a while, you may know already know this. It has been on our hearts to move our Fatherhood program forward for a number of years. That’s why it is with great joy that we introduce you to the newest member of our staff, our Fatherhood Specialist, Mitch … Continued

“How Can I Love Another?”

Billie Jo had an opportunity to see a Proverb in action recently. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” –Proverbs 25:11 NASB Billie Jo, a registered nurse and our new Nurse Manager, has worked in labor and delivery for 15 years. She is happy to join Care … Continued

Introducing a Praiseworthy Woman

This week is National Nurses Week, which is celebrated every year beginning on May 6 and ending on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. During this week we would like to introduce you to a praiseworthy woman and RN who has been with Care Net for 13 years, Tanis Jean-Louis, Clinic Director for our First Care … Continued

Introducing an Exemplary Woman

Before Black History Month ends, we’d like to take a few minutes to introduce you to (or help you become better acquainted with) a dedicated and godly African American leader in our midst, Annetta Wright, Director of The Elizabeth House. Annetta has been with Care Net as The Elizabeth House Director for since 2010. She … Continued