
Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson This year marks the 40th Anniversary of our ministry!   Have you ever heard the voice of God calling to you?  That’s exactly what happened in 1985 when six women in Verona found themselves called to do something to help women facing crisis pregnancies and considering abortion. Referring … Continued


Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson Do you feel like “the underdog” some days? Like your views on the preborn are willfully misrepresented, maliciously twisted, or belittled as unenlightened?  I know I do.   Fortunately, I have words that comfort me that come straight from the lips of Jesus. “Here on earth, you will … Continued


Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson Daisy* was raised in an abusive home.  When she was barely eighteen, her desire to be loved and cared for left Daisy facing an unintended pregnancy with no support.  Her father felt this justified kicking her out of the house.    But that didn’t feel like justice to … Continued


Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson Thirty seven years ago, something tragic happened to me: I discovered I was pregnant. Seventeen and a high school dropout, I’d just found the courage and self-confidence to walk away from an abusive relationship. I had dreams of a better future – dreams of getting a high … Continued

Is a Post Roe v Wade World Coming?

The Supreme Court is discussing the constitutional right to abortion, and people on both sides of the issue are wondering how or if abortion access will change in the coming months. I’ve seen some powerful word slinging, along with a dire list of things we can expect: women dying in alleys, an increase in crime … Continued


Have you heard it said, “Compassion is a verb”?  It reminds me of how completely it captures the fact that true compassion requires action.   Here are just a few of the many ways your generous support has helped Care Net live compassion over the past year.  When a pregnant mom came to us, wearing only sandals, … Continued


from the desk of Sara Patterson, CEO My husband recently said to me, “I want to help people; I just don’t want to get involved in their mess.” I chuckled because I understood the feeling.  Truth is, I have thought the same thing. And yet, that’s what God calls us to do.  To follow Christ … Continued

Reflections from 2020

I know, I know! We’re all glad 2020 is over. But as I reflect on the year, I have to rejoice at the many blessings this strange year brought. We were able to introduce our services to new women. At a time when many clinics cut hours or closed entirely, we remained open. In 2020, … Continued

What Child Is This?

This lovely carol so beautifully captures the awe and wonder of the Christ child! What child is this that angels sing and shepherds guard his keeping? At Care Net, we often find ourselves wondering the same. What child is this? When a patient visits our clinic with abortion on her mind, we wonder: Who is … Continued

What is the most we can do?

I’ve been reflecting on that thought a lot lately.  In a culture obsessed with doing the minimum necessary, it’s unexpected to find a place that’s willing to do the “most” it can for you. When I think about the example of Christ, I think about how He did the most He could, even giving up His own … Continued