Challenging Circumstances

Challenging Circumstances and pressure to abort put a precious life at risk   But You Intervened! Asra* was scared and unsure of what to do. She suspected she was pregnant, and it was not a good time for a baby. Asra was living with her boyfriend’s parents, her relationship with her own family was fractured, and … Continued

Where will my baby sleep?

Where will my baby sleep? How you helped Daisy in her time of need. Ever wonder how people discover the many resources available at Care Net? You’re probably not surprised to learn an internet search is the most common way. A close second? Word-of-mouth referrals. Daisy* is a recent example. She learned about our services … Continued

God Provides

Unless you’ve been stranded on an island with no outside contact, you likely know abortion is a hot topic right now.  In the digital world, this is a “Key word”  and advertisers – primarily political- are fighting to be first in all the search engines. We have an entirely different reason for wanting this keyword … Continued

Volunteer Spotlight

How Sally uses her talents to serve the Kingdom Sally Spaeni has been serving as a Patient Advocate in our clinic since last summer. “I always felt nudges to get involved at Care Net. It started when I went through a support group to heal from the pain of my own abortion. I knew that … Continued

Pressure Relieved

Pressure Relieved Thanks to your help, support and hope! Violet was pretty sure she was pregnant. She could feel the pressure building—not knowing for sure was incredibly stressful—and finding a clinic to confirm her pregnancy wasn’t proving to be easy. Violet didn’t have a regular clinic and the only one she knew of didn’t have … Continued

Better than a “Dr Phil”

Better than a “Dr. Phil” One week shy of her 40th birthday, Katessa was not expecting to learn she was pregnant. “I had just gone through a lot of reorganization in my life. Clearing out some toxic relationships, finding a new workplace, and focusing on getting myself healthier, eating and exercising, running marathons.” Katessa needed … Continued

God wants our Best Effort

God wants our Best Effort “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15 Care Net of Dane County has never shied away from hard things—case in point: our decision many years ago to become an accredited medical clinic. At … Continued

Education Classes

Who taught you how to be a mom or dad? How to fix a flat or save for the future? We all have different answers, and some may say, “I never was taught those things.” At Care Net we understand that not everyone has a role model mom or dad. But it’s never too late … Continued


Lydia* came to our clinic for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. She’d lived abroad for a number of years and had just returned to the States because of boyfriend troubles. Lydia was currently living with her sister. Shortly after Lydia settled into her new home, she confided in her sister that she feared she was … Continued

I was at a loss

“I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to think, what to do or what to feel.”  That’s how Nina* felt when she arrived at our clinic. A young teenager, Nina was hoping to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible.  But her mom, Penelope*, found out and brought her to our clinic.   Penelope … Continued