A Time to Reflect

It’s hard to plan in these uncertain times. What is safe, or even possible, seems to change from day to day. But even in our uncertainty, most of us have a roof over our heads, a warm bed, food in our refrigerator, and supportive family and friends. “Janae” had none of these. She had been living with her … Continued

No Regrets

Aimee is celebrating life, thanks to you! Aimee* and Ryan’s* relationship teetered between on-again/off-again. And when the pregnancy test came back positive, they were mostly “off.” “I knew having a baby and not being married would be a huge disappointment to my parents,” Aimee told us, “I was really torn between parenting and abortion.” That’s … Continued

When God Winks

Amazing things happen at Care Net every day. Here’s one story I just had to share. A young woman I’ll call DeeAnn visited our clinic.  DeeAnn and her boyfriend’s relationship had recently become physical and now DeeAnn feared she was pregnant.  DeeAnn, who was raised Catholic, was disappointed in herself and knew her family, co-workers … Continued

An Ultrasound Changed Everything

Abortion was the only way out.    Until an ultrasound changed everything.   The news couldn’t have been more shocking.   Kathy was sitting at a doctor consult for a tubal ligation when she heard the news.  “I’m sorry, we can’t more forward.  The bloodwork shows you are pregnant.”   How could this be happening?  The plan was to prevent another pregnancy from ever happening, … Continued

From My Heart

With the New Year before us we’re excited about how God will continue to direct and move our life-affirming mission forward. You’ve likely heard our Mobile Clinic will expand to three days and possibly four during the summer months. These additional days will happen because of your compassion and generosity. Thank you. I also want … Continued


Recently a 16- year old high school student, Le Anna Rewey, and her mother came to visit Care Net.  Le Anna wanted to share a very special poem she had written after watching “Alive from New York” and reflecting on the heartache that is left behind in the wake of abortion. If you or someone … Continued

Empowering Women

We hear a lot of talk about how the right to choose an abortion empowers women. But at Care Net, we feel there is a different way to empower women.  When a woman is faced with an unexpected pregnancy, a wide range of emotions come into play.  Her circumstances might not be ideal: her partner … Continued

A Talk That Matters

DeSean* sat alone in the waiting room, mindlessly fidgeting with his phone—but that’s not really where his mind was. In fact, his thoughts were consumed with one thing: his girlfriend was pregnant. When they made the appointment at our clinic, they were hoping that the four or five home tests could be proven incorrect. But … Continued

Abort. Parent. Both were checked.

When a woman comes to our clinic for a pregnancy test, we ask her to check a box indicating her initial intentions. Abort. Parent. Adoption. These are the three choices facing every pregnant woman—and one is definitely not like the others. So when our nurse saw that Deidra* had checked two very different options, you … Continued

What does the Bible say about abortion?

What does the Bible say about abortion? The answer is: the Bible doesn’t mention the word abortion. That doesn’t mean it is silent on the matter though, because it has a great deal to say about when life begins. The Bible is clear that the unborn child is a valuable life. King David illustrates this … Continued