
from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson  “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD. The battle is the Lord’s” Proverbs 21:31  Just as soldiers of old prepared their horses for battle, we also stand ready to daily engage the enemy. Our fight is not for land … Continued

You turn “I Can’t” into “I Can!” 

What is it like to be 18 and carrying a secret so formidable that it overwhelms every thought you have, every second of every day?   Emily* knows. She tried ignoring what she knew was likely true. But it was becoming harder and harder to do as her body began to change. andfinally, Emily broke down … Continued

This Is Your Sign….

Olivia came to the clinic, sure that our nurse would confirm her worst fear. And sure enough, she did. Olivia was pregnant. Suddenly, her brain felt like it would explode. I can’t possibly have a baby. I’m in a bad relationship. I have no money. I’m alone, I have no good role models, and I … Continued

This is Courage

At Care Net, we’ve seen some incredible displays of courage. Jaclyn* visited our First Care Clinic looking for information on abortion. She was in a relationship that had gone from bad to worse and was experiencing intense pressure to end her pregnancy.  She told the nurse, “The father told me to ‘kill it’ and he … Continued

Post Abortion Support Group Starting Soon 

Do you have unresolved feelings about a past abortion?   Whole Heart is a safe place to start the conversation about healing from an abortion experience. It reveals the common emotions, thoughts, and behaviors following an abortion. You are not alone!   Whole Heart will be offered in six weekly sessions in a small group of up … Continued

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy & PEACE… 

Sandra contacted us for pregnancy and parenting classes after she learned about our programs at a family fair.  She and her husband were expecting their first child. Struggling to make ends meet, they made too much money to qualify for most help, but not enough to make ends meet.  And a baby was on the … Continued


from the Desk of CEO, Sara Patterson It’s probably no surprise that as an organization that works to defend the value of every human life, we believe people are our best resource for doing God’s work. That includes not just staff but volunteers too.    For those who know me well, it will be no surprise … Continued

Where Life Stands at the One-Year Mark

Where Life Stands at the One-Year Mark It’s been one year since the historic decision to overturn Roe V Wade put the abortion debate in the hands of each state.  You may be wondering, “What’s changed?” “ What’s the same?” and “Is it still business as usual for women and men considering abortion?” In Wisconsin, … Continued

Too many Voices

Too many voices

The voice on the other end of the phone was familiar. She’d been to our clinic just a month prior. But somehow, she’d gotten confused and instead of coming to our clinic for her follow-up appointment, she was standing in the lobby of the abortion clinic.  “Did I have an appointment with you today,“ she … Continued


From the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson The human body. As I learn more about this incredible creation, I am ever more amazed. After recently suffering two fractures, I was especially struck by these words from the book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, by Dr. Paul Brand and writer Phillip Yancey, “A bone fracture sets an … Continued