What’s your story?

Do you have a Care Net story to share? We’re looking to connect with families who have been touched personally in some way by Care Net’s ministry. Do you know someone who is alive today because of the help and hope received from our clinic or maternity home? Have you adopted a child because a … Continued

More than Ideology

Recently we were notified of a very large gift we were not expecting. It was a gift from a local church that I was familiar with, but whom had not supported Care Net’s ministry in the past. I picked up the phone to call the Pastor right away. I had to know what prompted this … Continued

No Judgment. Just Genuine Care

“I didn’t know what to do about this pregnancy. It wasn’t planned and it wasn’t a good time. We just didn’t think we could deal with another child,” Ava* shared. “I searched on ‘abortion’ and First Care Clinic came up. I saw that your clinic didn’t perform abortions, but that you talk about options. I … Continued


Reflections from the desk of Sara Patterson, CEO The last few days and weeks have been filled with emotion. Beginning with the Supreme Court leak to the historic day on June 24, 2022, when the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was officially announced. Tension, anticipation, worry, fear. Elation, feverish energy and — I confess … Continued

Google, find a free clinic to get a pregnancy test

Emma* had just relocated to Madison when she discovered she was pregnant. Her partner, Ian, was unemployed, and she had a part-time job and no medical insurance. Add to that the fact that she had miscarried a pregnancy a few years back, and you can imagine the stress Emma was feeling.   Emma found First Care … Continued

Does God care about our sleep?

Yes, He does! Serving as an executive director for a pregnancy center and maternity home means you do a lot of “other duties as assigned.” One of those “other duties” is providing overnight and/or weekend coverage for the maternity home when staff is out sick or unavailable. Of course, overnights and weekend in the maternity … Continued

Blessed to be a Blessing

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 Andrew needed a car. Money was tight, so Andrew’s boss and brother chipped in to help him purchase one from a neighbor, who’d deeply discounted the car so Andrew could afford it. It was an incredible, life-changing blessing for … Continued

Is a Post Roe v Wade World Coming?

The Supreme Court is discussing the constitutional right to abortion, and people on both sides of the issue are wondering how or if abortion access will change in the coming months. I’ve seen some powerful word slinging, along with a dire list of things we can expect: women dying in alleys, an increase in crime … Continued

Seven Birthdays Later!

Seven Birthdays Later! Some days just stay with you. For Shelby, the date is February 9, 2015. How clearly she remembers walking out the door of Care Net’s First Care Clinic with an ultrasound picture and a reason to live. “My lifestyle had become so unmanageable that every time I spoke with my mother on … Continued

Education Classes

Who taught you how to be a mom or dad? How to fix a flat or save for the future? We all have different answers, and some may say, “I never was taught those things.” At Care Net we understand that not everyone has a role model mom or dad. But it’s never too late … Continued