Aiden is a nine year old boy who loves to play football, basketball and baseball and enjoys nature, hunting and farming. He plays the piano and has a bunny, named Fluffy, that he loves. He has an old soul, loves to talk and is quite social. He brings joy to his parents and siblings and those around him.
Aiden’s mom came to Care Net ten years ago. She had planned to have an abortion and had one scheduled. But through the prayers of her mom and sister – God intervened. Her sister helped Aiden’s mom come to Care Net –instead of following through with her intended abortion.

Aiden’s mom did not feel ready to parent. But through her visits at Care Net, and buoyed by the support of her family, she did make a decision to carry to term.
And, she made another selfless choice. She made a decision to meet with a licensed adoption agency and made a plan for her baby’s future, courageously placing Aiden with a loving Christian family.
And what about Aiden’s birth mom? She said, “I never regret the decision I made.”

Aiden’s life was saved because of people like you who make what we do possible. Because Care Net was here ten years ago, Aiden has life and breath. He has a loving family who follow Jesus and made a way for him to know Jesus too. He has two brothers and a sister who enjoy playing with him on their family’s farm. And he has a birth mom, aunt and grandma who love him too.
Aiden’s story had a happy beginning because of people like you who have made all of this possible. And he has a promising future in the loving arms of his adoptive family, his birth family and his Savior.
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Would you like to make a gift so that another Aiden may have life – and an abundant life with his forever family? Donate now.