It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Super Y-O-U!

Superheroes. They arrive on the scene armed with dazzling super powers, incredible bravery, a tireless desire to fight evil, and a keen sense of right and wrong. Here at Care Net, we’re so thankful to be blessed by our own Superheroes. Seemingly ordinary folks whose generous giving is the “super power” that fuels our success. … Continued

A Talk That Matters

DeSean* sat alone in the waiting room, mindlessly fidgeting with his phone—but that’s not really where his mind was. In fact, his thoughts were consumed with one thing: his girlfriend was pregnant. When they made the appointment at our clinic, they were hoping that the four or five home tests could be proven incorrect. But … Continued

Abort. Parent. Both were checked.

When a woman comes to our clinic for a pregnancy test, we ask her to check a box indicating her initial intentions. Abort. Parent. Adoption. These are the three choices facing every pregnant woman—and one is definitely not like the others. So when our nurse saw that Deidra* had checked two very different options, you … Continued

What does the Bible say about abortion?

What does the Bible say about abortion? The answer is: the Bible doesn’t mention the word abortion. That doesn’t mean it is silent on the matter though, because it has a great deal to say about when life begins. The Bible is clear that the unborn child is a valuable life. King David illustrates this … Continued

How you gave Anya hope

Anya* was a stay-at-home mom to baby Tara who was just a few months old. Anya and her boyfriend, Dan, were struggling to make ends meet. Even though Anya was on birth control, she suspected she might be pregnant. One pregnancy test confirmed her fears; another was negative. The distraught young couple needed a true … Continued

Helping Men Break the Cycle

*Malik’s dad lives only about 20 minutes away, but it may as well have been 20 hours. His dad was never present his life and their relationship is defined by vivid images of broken promises.  Like the time in elementary school when Malik’s dad promised to bring cupcakes to celebrate his birthday but never showed, … Continued

It’s time to Go!

It’s time. It’s time for Care Net to Go. To reach more, help more, and save more lives through the transformative life-changing work of the Holy Spirit. I believe that you have joined us in this mission because you believe it is of great value to God and man to go beyond ourselves …to encourage … Continued

Five Ways You Can Help a Friend Who Might Be Pregnant

How can you best help someone who is unexpectedly pregnant and doesn’t know what to do? Helping starts before the pregnancy test turns positive by creating a safe relationship where friends and family members can be open and honest without fear of judgment. When those around you know that you care for them no matter … Continued

Life in the Balance


Life hangs in the balance as I write. A precious tiny life may not take his first birth because his mother feels overwhelmed and trapped by her circumstances. But his mother is here. Not long ago she was in an abortion clinic’s parking lot – but something prompted her to leave and come here. This … Continued

From My Heart: A Trusted Resource

by Tanis Jean-Louis, Clinic Director “I need to be seen.” Alexis* called, desperate to see someone right away. One of our nurses talked with her over the phone, learned she had some symptoms and wanted to be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Alexis was seen the same day, free of charge, and received STI … Continued