When God Winks

Amazing things happen at Care Net every day. Here’s one story I just had to share. A young woman I’ll call DeeAnn visited our clinic.  DeeAnn and her boyfriend’s relationship had recently become physical and now DeeAnn feared she was pregnant.  DeeAnn, who was raised Catholic, was disappointed in herself and knew her family, co-workers … Continued

Men: Let’s Be Honest

At Care Net, we envision a world where all life is valued and protected, and women and men have support to choose life for their unborn child. Pregnancy and parenting decisions occur within the context of real struggle. I work with fathers of all ages who struggle with relationships, depression, identity, work, anger, pornography, addictions, … Continued

An Ultrasound Changed Everything

Abortion was the only way out.    Until an ultrasound changed everything.   The news couldn’t have been more shocking.   Kathy was sitting at a doctor consult for a tubal ligation when she heard the news.  “I’m sorry, we can’t more forward.  The bloodwork shows you are pregnant.”   How could this be happening?  The plan was to prevent another pregnancy from ever happening, … Continued

Your Kindness in the Midst of Chaos Changed Macy’s Life

Macy* and her new boyfriend, Dylan*, had only been dating a short time. Somehow things had moved quickly—too quickly, Macy realized—and now Macy was pregnant.   Macy felt scared and alone. Not sure where to turn, she made an appointment at Care Net. Dylan agreed to come with her and the two met with one of Care Net’s nurses. “Billie Jo … Continued

From My Heart

With the New Year before us we’re excited about how God will continue to direct and move our life-affirming mission forward. You’ve likely heard our Mobile Clinic will expand to three days and possibly four during the summer months. These additional days will happen because of your compassion and generosity. Thank you. I also want … Continued

Loving Our Neighbors

God commands us in His Word to Love our neighbor as we love ourselves. At Care Net, we believe that we can love our neighbor by modeling a Christ-like response to women and men who are making important life decisions. For us, that means leaving judgment at the door. We instead focus on showing compassion … Continued

So many “Firsts”

We’ve had a lot of wonderful reasons to celebrate in the past month! Our mobile clinic is finally open and serving women in two locations: Fitchburg and Sun Prairie. We jumped for joy when the first appointment was made on the mobile clinic, but the celebration was even greater when we saw Mira* in the … Continued

From My Heart

Among my greatest joys in life have been the moments when a grandchild came to me to be picked up and held. It has touched my heart to be the person they trusted and turned to when they were frightened, overwhelmed or in need of comfort.   At Care Net we have a similar experience … Continued


Recently a 16- year old high school student, Le Anna Rewey, and her mother came to visit Care Net.  Le Anna wanted to share a very special poem she had written after watching “Alive from New York” and reflecting on the heartache that is left behind in the wake of abortion. If you or someone … Continued

A Dad Works Hard to Be Reunited with His Daughter

“Do you offer parenting classes? I’ve called lots of places and no one will help me.” Corey* was desperate. He had been separated from his four-year-old daughter, Leesa*, for too long. She was currently living in a foster home, estranged from her mom who was in a bad situation. He was trying to gain custody, … Continued