Unless you’ve been stranded on an island with no outside contact, you likely know abortion is a hot topic right now.  In the digital world, this is a “Key word”  and advertisers – primarily political- are fighting to be first in all the search engines.

We have an entirely different reason for wanting this keyword in our ads.  It’s because the women we are trying to reach are on their phones – day and night – searching for help in deciding whether to continue the pregnancy or end it.  She is looking for information about abortion, and she may feel like that is her only option.  We want to reach her first so she can find out about all her options and help her see that help and resources are available so that she and her baby can both thrive. 

So, when our call volume started dropping, we were very concerned.  It didn’t take long for us to realize the problem:  our ad budget was no longer effective in competing with the onslaught of ads that all feature the word ‘abortion”.  The advertisements from political voices, opinion influencers, and giant abortion clinics were drowning out our voice. 

Thankfully, we serve a God with a bigger vision and plan. Just when we needed it, a local business owner and donor felt compelled to reach out and offer to increase our advertising by providing us with an additional $2,000 in funds per month for the remainder of the year!  We are humbly grateful for the generosity and so excited to see what God will accomplish through this initiative. 

When we work together, we’re doing so much more than offering free health care, housing, or diapers to our community. We’re bringing God’s kingdom here to earth! While we continue to wait for a restored creation, we are working to bring God’s beautiful plan for thriving to those dealing with the consequences of a fallen, sinful world that has strayed from God’s perfect design. 

Every woman who responds to our ads will have an opportunity to see her child through the gift of ultrasound, hear about life-affirming options and resources, experience God’s love, and may even be introduced to the Gospel! 

Rejoice with us in thanksgiving for God’s provision, and pray that women find our ads and choose life! Want to know how you can help? Email Sara at sarap@carenetdane.org