Megan* tried to hold back her tears while talking with our nurse, Billie Jo. She was sure she had an STD. She was very nervous and disappointed in herself. And she was concerned about disappointing other people in her life. “I just don’t have anyone I can talk to about this,” she said, and burst into tears.
On her intake form, Megan had indicated that she was a Christian. Sometimes when a woman comes to see us, she identifies with a Christian background but her faith is not currently an important part of her life and her decisions. This seemed to be the case with Megan.
Megan’s identification of herself as having a Christian faith opened a door for Billie Jo to begin a spiritual conversation. “Are you connected with a faith community?” Billie Jo asked.
“No,” Megan replied. I’ve fallen away from church because I’ve been so busy with work. But I really need to start going again…My parents would be so disappointed in me.”

Billie Jo continued, “Sometimes God puts things in our lives to make us stop and think about our choices and where we’re at with all our relationships. During that challenging time, it’s really hard, but He’s always there waiting for us. God created you to be special. You have one body. You have a future in front of you. Today is an opportunity for you to start anew. To love yourself as God loves you.”
“We love to pray for people. May I pray for you?” asked Billie Jo.
Megan replied, “I’d love that.” Billie Jo prayed for peace and serenity for Megan while she awaited her test results. She prayed for God’s presence to be in Megan’s relationships.
“Thank you for praying for me,” Megan responded. She appreciated having someone she could talk to who would listen and speak words of encouragement to her and even pray for her.
“Thank you for a place where I can come and not be judged.”
We are glad to be able to offer a place where people can come and not be judged.
2000+ years ago, Jesus loved all people and invited them to come to Him no matter where they were at or what they had done. He offered forgiveness, love and hope.
Today, Jesus still loves all people and invites everyone to come to Him to find forgiveness, love and hope. We are glad for the opportunity to “be Jesus” to people “walking in darkness” and hopelessness who come through our doors. We pray that they may see “a great light” and find Jesus and a new way of living.
You can provide hope and encouragement for a new start to a woman like Megan. Make your gift of hope today.
* Name changed to protect privacy.